Throughout the month of November, I was busy attending Christmas plays, award ceremonies for 8 of our children. The kids at Lambano are so diligent in their school work. We were all so excited that they won various awards for such diligence. I also visited a local bird park with some of the kids. I went with them to their routine doctor visits. We are now experiencing the hot summer days here in SA, and let me say, it is quite HOT! But I have a really nice fan that keeps me cool. With the hot summer days we have enjoyed a few days of swimming as well.
Christmas Day!
My first Christmas in South Africa, was so much fun. One of Lambano's faithful supporters invited ALL 33 children to her home. We loaded 2 kombies and a car and we were off. The kids enjoyed a day of swimming, and playing with each other. We had burgers, potato salads, ice cream and lots of liquids. It was such a simple day!! Father Christmas a.k.a. Santa Claus a.k.a. Jesus, brought them lots of presents, which we praise God for!!!!
Zodwa with her new teddy!
Nkosi is excited about his toy!
Katlehong Ministries
- The high school bible study ended in early November due to exams and summer holidays. We will hopefully resume the study in late January.
- Kathorus Orphanage – I last visited these teenagers the week before Christmas. We had a Christmas party and talked about the true meaning of Christmas and the symbolism of receiving gifts that are undeserved and unmerited. This was an opportunity to share the greatest gift of receiving Jesus Christ as ones’ Lord and Savior. I will resume our time on the 15th of this month. I am planning to talk about forgiveness with them. I am concerned about this endeavor because these teenagers have had some horrific things happen to them. So, please pray that they will truly realize that they have been forgiven much, and in turn be that much more willing to forgive others.
Kids at 78
All of our kids are now on summer holidays, and this week I am spending some quality time with the kids at 78. I will leave for the states next month and they will return to school next week. As a result, I am taking advantage of this time to be with the kids as much as possible, so this week we are doing lots of “fun” things. Yesterday, we went to the zoo. We had so much fun seeing the different and beautiful African animals. The kids also enjoyed seeing the seals being fed their nutritional intake of fish. This trip to the zoo provided yet another opportunity for me to tell them about God. South Africa is so breathtakingly beautiful, and I reminded the kids that God made everything from the trees, to the sky, to the animals. One of the little boy who’s 6, asked, “did God also make the rubbish bin?” Of course the answer is yes, He gives man the knowledge of creating something that is so easily overlooked, but yet so necessary. But, the most, beautiful conversation occurred between my self and Thandazo who’s 8 years old. I live with the kids here at ‘78’ so we always talk about the Bible, and who God is, we talk about God the Father and Jesus His Son quite often. So, while at the zoo, this 8 years old girl said in the sweetest & most sincere voice, “but I still don’t understand, do we worship two Gods?” Ok, seriously you are 8, this is like such a theological question that I am still unable to explain. So, with the help of the Spirit, I proceeded to explain to her the doctrine of the trinity, in 8 year old terminology,of course. I simply shared that this is something that we cannot fully understand, but the Bible teaches us that there is God the Father, who sent His Son, Jesus Christ to die for our sins (sins are explained as the naughty things that we say, do and think), and in three days Jesus came back from the dead, and He is now alive in heaven, but He has left us with the Spirit, who’s also God, the Spirit lives inside all those who love and believe in Jesus, and the Spirit, helps us to know how to love and obey God the Father. I shared that there are 3 different person and they have three different responsibilities, but they are still ONE GOD. Whew!!! She still didn’t fully understand, but hey, neither do I. Nevertheless, I think she was satisfied with my explanation. But, I was just so happy for this opportunity, because it shows that she is actually thinking about the things we talk about.
(Note: If anyone knows how to communicate the doctrine of the trinity to children, I would really love your advice, please feel free to leave a comment on my blog)
Cute Sayings by the Kids at 78
Me: “Name one of the 10 commandments?”
Children: “Do not lie” “Do not steal” “Do not disturb”
*Sometimes I wish the latter was a commandment…joking
Me: “So what kind of people does God not like?”
Child: “Ugly people”
Me: “God says that one day we will live with Him in heaven forever!”
Child: “When is God coming to fetch us?”
Me: “So, I will leave soon, and I hope that you guys don’t forget me.”
Child: “I’ll forget you.”
*Clearly ministry is not a self-esteem calling :)
Child: “Why you sing like a girl?”
Me: “Because I am a girl!”
Looking at the horses!
Enjoying the scenery!
The kids really enjoyed watching the seals being fed!
Keisha!!! LOL!!! I love hearing their interpretaion of things!!!
PRAISE GOD FOR THE LITTLE BABES!!! we are praying for you!
praise the LORD for how what HE, and ONLY He can do in South Africa!
Greetings Keisha Reid
This is truly a wonderful ministry that you're involved in.
Teaching these wondrous children the things concerning Almighty GOD.
However I would like to remark on your statement:
"I shared that there are 3 different person and they have three different responsibilities, but they are still ONE GOD. Whew!!! She still didn’t fully understand, but hey, neither do I."
Whew! Indeed! Seeing that Jesus Christ our Lord never taught such things! He simply spoke of the Father as his GOD and identified the Father as the only true GOD
[John 17.3, 20.17]
Jesus on the other hand was the Son of the ONE GOD, his Father.
[Matt 16.16, 2 John 3]
Now children can indeed understand that!! There is simply no need for talk of 3 different persons being One God and such like, seeing that the Scriptures say no such thing.
(1 Cor 8:4) ... that there is none other God but one.
(1 Cor 8:6) But to us there is but one God, the Father, ...
Therefore, Keisha, may I recommend to you, this video:
The Human Jesus
Take a couple of hours to watch it; and prayerfully it will aid you in your quest for truth concerning the ONE GOD.
Yours In Messiah
Adam Pastor
Thank you for viewing my blog! I am curious though, as to how you found me? Thank you especially for the comments regarding the doctrine of the Trinity.I have read and considered your comment, and I am not certain, if your argument is that Jesus is not God, but merely human, or if you just disagree to the three persons of the Godhead??
I do understand and believe that the doctrine of the trinity is taught throughout all of Scripture...Although the word trinity is never mentioned in the Scriptures the word trinity means “three in one-ness” or “tri-unity.” The biblical basis for the doctrine of the Trinity is that each member of the Trinity was not created and has existed from everlasting to everlasting. In the beginning when God decided to create man, we see that He spoke in plurality by saying, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness” (Genesis 1:26; Genesis 3:22). Similarly, we see in the great commission Jesus telling His disciples that they are to “make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19).
The meaning of the word trinity according to the Scriptures makes three absolute claims about each of its members. First, the members of the Trinity are not objects or things but three distinct persons, “the Father is not the Son; they are distinct persons. It also means that the Father is not the Holy Spirit, but they are distinct persons. And it means that the Son is not the Holy Spirit” Each person in their distinction have three different roles. Christ in the flesh spoke to God the Father and knew that He was to glorify Him. (John 17:24) The role of Jesus Christ is that of an advocate or the mediator between God the Father and man. (1st John 2:1; Hebrews 7:25) The role of the Holy Spirit is to counsel and guide us into all truth in the absence of Christ in the flesh. (John 14:16, 26; 15:26; 16:7)
Secondly, the doctrine of the trinity claims that each member is fully God. Although each are distinct in their roles, in essence they are all equally and completely God. God the Father is “viewed as sovereign Lord over all.” Jesus Christ being fully God is seen in His humility of leaving His Kingly status in heaven and taking on the form of a bondservant. (Phil. 2:5-6) In John 1:1, 14 we also see that the Word (Jesus Christ) was God in the flesh. “Once we understand God the Father and God the Son to be fully God, then the Trinitarian expressions in verses like Matt. 28:19 assume significance for the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, because they show that the Holy Spirit is classified on an equal level with the Father and the Son.” (1st Corinthians 2:10-11; 1st Peter 1:2; Ephesians 4:4-6)
The belief in the oneness of God does not mean that Christianity is a polytheistic religion. No, instead I believe that there is one God because the Scriptures claim that there is but one true God. “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one…” (Deut. 6:4; Mark 12:29). The members of the trinity are one in purpose, in agreement of thoughts, in essence and in nature. The triune God is indeed a mystery and one can hardly comprehend the vastness of what it all entails. But, as a Christians I affirm to the doctrine of the Trinity by faith that there is “one Spirit…one Lord…one God and Father of all who is above all, and through all in you all” (Ephesians 4: 4-6).
Please consider these questions...
When God spoke and said, "Come let US make man into OUR own image," to whom was He speaking?
Throughout the gospels Jesus, prayed vehemently to the Father, do you understand this to mean that He was praying to Himself?"
We also see in Isaiah 53:10, that it was His (Father's)will to crush, him, and then we see in the gospels that Jesus, prayed to the Father, that the cup be passed from Him, nevertheless, He prayed for God the Father's will to be done? How do you understand this?
"My LORD (Yahweh) said to your Lord (Yeshua)..." (Psalms 110:1) Later in the gospels this same verse was used by Jesus to rebuke the Pharisees who did not believe that He was the Christ, asked, “How is it then that David, in the Spirit, calls him Lord, saying,
The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies under your feet’? Why do you think Jesus asked the unbelieving Pharisees such a question?
Later we go to Hebrews 12:2 and we are told that “He (Jesus) is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” How do you interpret such passages?
Again, thanks for your comment, but hopefully, now you see that I have to go into details when talking with the children, especially when they'e asked these questions. My conscience simply will not allow me, to tell them something about the Bible that I myself am not convinced of, and I am convinced that the Bible Does, in fact teach that we serve ONE GOD, who are distinct in being and one in essence...
I would love to talk about this more, but ONLY, if its for edification and not for dissension. I enjoy discussing the doctrines of the Bible; however, I do not want to be wise in my own eyes...
Thanks again!
Greetings Keisha
Thanks for your reply
Indeed, I would like our entire discourse to be about edifying each other. [Rom 15.2]
Let me clarify some points first:
a) Jesus is truly human.
He prayed solely to the Father.
(And taught us to do the same! Luke 11.2)
1 Tim 2.5 still speaks of
the resurrected, glorified Jesus
as the man Christ Jesus.
b) The ONE GOD has made
the man Jesus of Nazareth,
a man approved of GOD
[Acts 2.22]
both Lord and Christ.
[Acts 2.36]
Hence he is the Lord Jesus Christ.
c) The man Christ Jesus our Lord, is currently at the right hand of the ONE GOD, henceforth awaiting the time of his return, to establish GOD's Kingdom in accordance to all GOD's promises.
[Psa 110.1, Heb. 10.12-13, Acts 3.20-21]
You quote Gen 1.26, 3.22.
But who was GOD speaking to?
Does it say the Son? No!
And what does the very next verse, Gen 1.27 say?
(Gen 1:27) So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
He created,
not they created!!
Jesus himself clearly says that it was GOD who created male and female!
Mark 10.6: God made them male and female.
Matt 19.4: ... Have ye not read, that he which made them
Jesus says nothing about himself creating man & woman, or even being there!! Nothing about we or us!
No! He attributes all creation to GOD
[Mark 13.19, Matt 19.4].
Which makes perfect sense seeing that:
(Isa 44:24) Thus saith YAHWEH, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am YAHWEH that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself;
GOD ALMIGHTY created all things by Himself. He created all things alone!
So who was GOD speaking to?
See Job 38:7.
Yet GOD alone did the creating by Himself. It was GOD who rested not the Son! [Heb 4.4]
Matt. 28:19 says nothing about GOD being a trinity, or 3 distinct persons;
or that these 3 are the 1 God!
Does the Bible speak about the Father, the Son & the Holy Spirit?
There is ONE GOD, the Father.
[John 17.3; 1 Cor. 8.4,6]
Jesus is the Son of GOD.
[Matt 16.16, 2 John 3]
The Holy Spirit is the operational presence of GOD and Christ in the church
[John 14.23]
You say, "the doctrine of the trinity claims that each member is fully God."
That may be the case, but the doctrine of Christ & his Apostles does not!! That's the issue!
Neither Jesus nor the Apostles taught such things. The doctrine of the trinity was established over 300 years after Christ.
The Bible simply does not speak of
"God the Son".
That term came from philosophical thinking, hundreds of years after Christ; and we know what the Scriptures says about philosophy - Col 2.8.
Keisha, I wonder if you had the time to watch the video I suggested?
The Human Jesus
The reason I ask this, is that the video indeeds deals with Deut 6.4, Mark 12.29, Phil 2.5-6, John 1.1,14; Psa 110.1.
Please take a couple of hours to watch the video, and prayerfully most of your questions will be answered.
Truly GOD has given us a conscience. And you have an awesome responsibility in teaching children.
Therefore, indeed prayerfully, question your conscience.
And ask yourself?
1) Is it right that I should teach children, a "mystery" & philosophical concepts that came about hundred of years after Christ?
2) Seeing that Deut 6.4-7 clearly teaches that GOD is ONE Person. And this must be taught to children.
Seeing that this is indeed what all Jewish children were & are taught including Jesus;
who confirmed this before a Jewish scribe in Mark 12.28ff.
And seeing that the scribe in his reply obviously was not trinitarian:
(Mark 12:32) And the scribe said unto him, Well, Master, thou hast said the truth: for there is one God; and there is none other but he:
Therefore, neither was Jesus, trinitarian.
Then ask yourself: Is it therefore, right to teach children that there are "three" who are fully God,
when Jesus taught that there is solely ONE who is truly GOD and that ONE is the Father.
[John 17.3, 5.44]
Remember this is what the NT church believed!
(1 Cor 8:4) ... that there is none other God but one.
(1 Cor 8:6) But to us there is but one God, the Father, ...
So please, Keisha, watch the video and ask yourself these questions.
Then after doing so, if you have any further questions, I will do my very best to answer.
May the ONE GOD, our Father, bless you Keisha, through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord.
Yours In Messiah
Adam Pastor
The Human Jesus
With all do respect, I STAND FIRM on the fact that Scripture teaches that Jesus is fully God and fully man. Thanks again for checking out my blog and your comments.
In Christ!
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