Friday, August 15, 2008

Campus Outreach!

While I was a student at Tuskegee University I had the great privilege of being a part of a campus ministry known as Campus Outreach (CO). I went to college as a new Christian and I was very ignorant of the fundamentals of the faith. But thanks be to God for placing me in this college ministry where I was discipled by a godly young woman by the name of Renita. She poured out her time and life into me and she is now a constant part of my testimony. CO is such a God-centered and Word-centered ministry and the people that I have met throughout my time there are now some of my best friends. So, CO is very dear to my heart. This past weekend I had the opportunity to hang out with the CO Johannesburg group. It was so neat to see the students on a different continent from the same organization with the same passion for Jesus Christ and His renown. The students here have such a zeal for the Lord and I know that our faithful God will use them to transform this city and this country, for His name sake.

"Building laborers on the campus for the lost world"
Campus Outreach Missions Statement

Students and staff Praising God!

Jamie (CO staff) & I

Martha and I

Voices of students praising God!


These Three Kings said...

(SHOUTING like girl on Passion tape) " ahhhhhh WE LOVE YOU JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!
you remember that???
SO glad the LORD blessed you with the another opportunity to see HIS face in the familiar! GRace to you sister! agh, I miss you!!!!

GOd speed!

These Three Kings said...

oooooweeeeeee nice layout!! LOL

These Three Kings said...

oh. is that martha in the pic above worshiping Jesus??? I keep thinking that is EULICE!!! LOL

my badd

Keisha Reid said...

LOL...Eulice and I were joined at the

Yeah girl, my layout is nice, this sweet lady did it for me, she is one of my best friends in the whole wide world. You may know her :):):)